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Carnegie Mellon University

Vehicles should adhere to the following guidelines for group pickups/drop-offs on CMU's Pittsburgh campus.

  • Individual cars picking up or dropping off people or goods may use the short-term parking area just inside the west entrance to the East Campus Garage, near the Cohon University Center.
  • Caravans of individual cars that are transporting groups to/from the same off-campus location in the evenings or on the weekends should use an open campus parking lot, such as the Doherty lot or the Morewood lot, as a staging area. Caravans that need to gather and depart during weekday business hours are encouraged to use the metered, short-term parking spaces available on Margaret Morrison Street or Frew Street.
  • Hotel shuttles and other non-CMU shuttle vans should pick up and drop off in front of the Cohon University Center on Forbes Avenue.
  • Single charter buses can use a variety of locations on or near campus for staging, including: (1) on Frew Street adjacent to Skibo Gym, (2) on Margaret Morrison Street near Skibo Gym, (3) on Frew Street near Hunt Library and (4) on Forbes Avenue in the curb cut in front of Cyert Hall.  These locations are available on a first-come, first-served basis. The bus must remain attended by the driver at all times in case traffic conditions or police officers dictate that the vehicle must be temporarily moved while the loading or unloading process is still underway. It is also recommended that a group representative remain at the staging location for the purpose of relaying any location change that may be necessary.
  • Groups using multiple charter buses in connection with the same event should obtain a City of Pittsburgh variance (for a fee) that will allow the group to stage in metered spaces on Frew Street. Alternatively, depending on the day/time of the event, the group may also use the north side of Forbes Avenue.

Please note: Vehicles should never be staged in the bus loop located on Morewood Avenue in front of Morewood Gardens.